Name: Bing Tian
Work Address:Hexing Road 26, 150040, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, P.R. China
Email: tianbing@nefu.edu.cn;tianbing198710@163.com
2014.09-2017.12 Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, Heidelberg University (Germany)
2011.09-2014.06 Master of Leather Chemistry and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology
2006.09-2010.07 Bachelor of Forest products Chemical Processing, Northeast Forestry University
Professional Experience
2021.09-present Professor,College of Material Science and Engineering, Northeast Forestry University
2018.02-2021.06 PostDoc, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC)
Research Interests
Biomass chemistry, carbon materials, photocatalysis
Funded Research
1. Natural Science Funding of Heilong Jiang Province for Excellent Young Scholar, YQ2022C004, RMB 100,000, 2022-2025.
2. Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation,2022M710646, RMB 80,000, 2022-2024.
3. Special Foundation of Heilong Jiang Province Postdoctoral Science Foundation,LBH-TZ2214, RMB 300,000, 2023-2025.
4. Advanced Programs of Foundation for Returned Scholars, Heilong Jiang Province, RMB 50,000, 2023.
Recent Publications
1. Ruijia Wang, Jianyong Wan, Hongda Guo, Bing Tian,* Shujun Li, Jian Li, Shouxin Liu,* Tony D. James, Zhijun Chen* “All-in-one”carbon dots-based catalyst for converting CO2 to cyclic carbonates.Carbon 2023,211, 118118.
2. Keliang Wan,‡ Bing Tian,‡ Yingxiang Zhai,‡ Yuxuan Liu,‡ He Wang, Shouxin Liu, Shujun Li, Wenpeng Ye, Zhongfu An,* Changzhi Li,* Jian Li, Tony D. James, Zhijun Chen* Structural materials with afterglow room temperature phosphorescence activated by lignin oxidation.Nat. Commun.2022,13, 5508.
3. BJingjie Shen,‡ Yanli Ma,‡ Chenhui Yang, Shouxin Liu, Jian Li, Zhijun Chen,* Bing Tian,* Shujun Li* Boosting solar-thermal-electric conversion of thermoelectrochemical cells by construction of a carboxymethylcellulose-interpenetrated polyacrylamide network.J. Mater. Chem. A,2022,10, 7785.
4. Bing Tian, Xiang Li, Pinhong Chen, Guosheng Liu* Asymmetric Palladium-Catalyzed Oxycarbonylation of Terminal Alkenes: Efficient Access to β-Hydroxy Alkylcarboxylic Acids.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2021,60, 14881.
5. Bing Tian, Pinhong Chen, Xuebing Leng, Guosheng Liu* Palladium-catalysed enantioselective diacetoxylation of terminal alkenes.Nat. Catal.2021,4, 172.
Awards and Scholarships
Ph.D fellowshipsof China Scholarship Council (CSC), 2014