陈文帅,博士、教授/ Prof. Wenshuai Chen
Northeast Forestry University, Hexing Road 51th, Harbin 150040, China
邮件/ Email:chenwenshuai@nefu.edu.cn ;cwsnefu@163.com
研究方向/ Research Interests
木材物理学/ Wood Physics
纤维素纳米材料/ Cellulose-Based Nanomaterials
生物质纳米复合材料/ Bio-Based Nanocomposites
教育与工作经历/ Education and Professional Career
2018.01- 至今 : 教授,伟德betvlctor体育官方网站
2015.09-2017.12 : 副教授,伟德betvlctor体育官方网站
2013.07-2015.08 : 讲师,伟德betvlctor体育官方网站
2008.09-2013.07 : 木材科学与技术,博士,伟德betvlctor体育官方网站
2004.09-2008.08 : 木材科学与工程,学士,伟德betvlctor体育官方网站
2018.01--- 至今 :Professor, Northeast Forestry University
2015.09-2017.12 :Associate Professor, Northeast Forestry University
2013.07-2015.08 :Lecture, Northeast Forestry University
2008.09-2013.07 :Ph. D., Wood Science and Technology, Northeast Forestry University
2004.09-2008.07 :B.S., Wood Science and Engineering, Northeast Forestry University
招贤纳士/ Recruit
We welcome graduate students and post-doc. who are enthusiastic about creating interesting in wood physics and bio-based nanomaterials to join our group!
期刊封面/ Cover Art
发表文章/ Independent Publications
105. Li, Q.; Chen, W. *
Irrigation water recycling in greenhouses.
Nature Water. 2024, 2, 622–623.
104. Yan, X.; Xu, F.; Zhang, C.; Peng, H.; Huang, J.; Liu, F.; Lu, K.; Wang, R.; Shi, J.*; Li, N. *; Chen, W. *; Liu, M. *
Solar-powered mixed-linker metal–organic frameworks for water harvesting from arid air.
EcoMat. 2024, e12473.
103. Ren, Y.; Fu, Y.; Li, N.*; You, C.; Huang, J.; Huang, K.; Sun, Z.; Zhou, J.; Si, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Chen, W.; Duan, L.*; Liu, M.*
Concentrated solar CO2 reduction in H2 O vapour with >1% energy conversion efficiency.
Nature Communications. 2024, 15, 4675.
102. Shan, H.; Poredoš, P.; Qu, H.; Yang, X.; Zhou, M.; Bai, L.; Shi, J.; Chen, W.; Wang, R.*; Tan, S.*
Integrating Rooftop Agriculture and Atmospheric Water Harvesting for Water-Food Production Based on Hygroscopic Manganese Complex.
Advanced Functional Materials. 2024, 2402839.
101. Shi, X.; Wang, Z.; Liu, S.; Xia, Q.; Liu, Y.; Chen, W.; Yu, H. *; Zhang, K. *
Scalable production of carboxylated cellulose nanofibres using a green and recyclable solvent.
Nature Sustainability. 2024, 7, 315–325.
100. Jiang, M.; Jing, C.; Lei, C.; Han, X.; Wu, Y.; Ling, S.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Q.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*; Yu, G.*
A bio-based nanofibre hydrogel filter for sustainable water purification.
Nature Sustainability. 2024, 10.1038/s41893-023-01264-9.
99. Xu, Q.; Li, Q.; Yu, H.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*
Nanocellulose Building Block for the Construction of Hygroscopic Aerogels.
Accounts of Materials Research. 2024. 10.1021/accountsmr.4c00085.
98. Li, Q.; Wang, F.; Zhang, Y.; Shi, M.; Zhang, Y.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Tan,S.*; Chen, W.*
Biopolymers for Hygroscopic Material Development.
Advanced Materials. 2024, 36, 2209479.
97. Wildy, M.; Wei, W.; Xu, Kai.; Schossig, J.; Hu, X.; Hyun, D.; Chen, W.; Zhang, C.; Lu, P. *
Heat’s Role in Solution Electrospinning: A Novel Approach to Nanofiber Structure Optimization.
Langmuir. 2024,40(15), 7982-7991.
96. Shi, J.; Gao, G.; Jin, C.; Wu, H.; Wang, W.; An, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Huang, Z.*; Chen, W. *
Prussian blue analogs photocatalyst promote the evolution of value-added platform compounds via Co-CN-Zn covalent bonds.
EcoMat. 2024, e12441.
95. Zhou, H.; Yan, L.; Tang, D.; Xu, T.; Dai, L.*; Li, C.*; Chen, W.*; Si, C.*
Solar-driven Drum-type Atmospheric Water Harvester Based on Bio-based Gels with Fast Adsorption/Desorption Kinetics.
Advanced Materials. 2024, 2403876.
94. Zhu, P.; Yu, Z.; Sun, H.; Zheng, D.; Zheng, Y.; Qian, Y.; Wei, Y.; Lee, J.; Srebnik, S.; Chen, W.*; Chen, G.*; Jiang, F.*
3D Printed Cellulose Nanofiber Aerogel Scaffold with Hierarchical Porous Structures for Fast Solar-Driven Atmospheric Water Harvesting.
Advanced Materials. 2024, 36, 2306653.
93. Zhu, F.; Chen, X.*; Ge, Y.; Li, M.; Li, N.*; Zhou, J.*; Chen, W.*
Orthogonal Three-Wavelength-Controlled Two-Stage Supramolecular Self-Assemblies.
Advanced Functional Materials. 2024, 34, 2312155.
92. Li, Y.; Jiang, D.*; An, Y.; Chen, W.; Huang, Z.*; Jiang, B.*
Wearable flexible pressure sensors: An intriguing design towards microstructural functionalization.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2024, 10.1039/D3TA05568J.
91. Wang, B.; Fu, Y.; Zhang, C.; Huang, J.; Chen, W.; Guo, L.; Li, N.; Prezhdo, O.; Liu, M.*
Fermi Level Pinning in Concentrated Light-Induced Band Edge Tuning Maximizes Photocatalytic Solar-to-Hydrogen Efficiency.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2023, 14, 10825−10831.
90. Zhang, S.; Zhou, M.; Liu, M.; Guo, Z.; Qu, H.; Chen, W.*; Tan, S.*
Ambient-conditions Spinning of Functional Soft Fibers Via Engineering Molecular Chain Networks and Phase Separation.
Nature Communications 2023, 14, 3245.
89. Patel, D.; Wei, W.; Singh, H.; Xu, K.; Beck, C.; Wildy, M.; Schossig, J.; Hu, X.; Hyun, D.; Chen, W.; Lu, P.*
Efficient and Secure Encapsulation of a Natural Phase Change Material in Nanofibers Using Coaxial Electrospinning for Sustainable Thermal Energy Storage.
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng 2023, 11, 11570−11579.
88. Cheng,W.; Zhu, Y.; Jiang, G.; Cao, K.; Chen, W.; Zhao, D.*; Yu , H.*
Sustainable Cellulose and Its Derivatives for Promising Biomedical Applications.
Progress in Materials Science 2023, 138, 101152.
87. Wei, W.; Wildy, M.; Xu, K.; Schossig, J.; Hu, X.; Hyun, D.; Chen, W.; Zhang, C.; Lu, P.*
Advancing Nanofiber Research: Assessing Nonsolvent Contributions to Structure Using Coaxial Electrospinning.
Langmuir 2023, 3c01038.
86. Liu, M.; Wang, N.; Cheng, M.; Zhu, F.; Qin, Y.; Zhou, J.*; Guan, J.; Ge, Y.; Zhu, H.; Chen, W.*; Li, N.*
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2023, 127 (25), 11997-12007.
85. Xu, L.; Ren, Y.; Fu, Y.; Liu, M.*; Zhu, F.; Cheng, M.; Zhou, J.*; Chen, W.; Wang, K.; Wang, N.; Li, N.*
Strong photo-thermal coupling effect boosts CO2 reduction into CH4 in a concentrated solar reactor.
Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 143831.
84. Lu, D.; Ren, Y.; Yang, Y.*; Cheng, M.; Wang, K.; Wang, N.; Liu, M.*; Zhou, J.; Chen, W.*; Li, N.*
Boosted photocatalytic CO2 reduction by induced electromotive force in rotating magnetic field.
Nano Energy 2023, 108578.
83. Li, M.; Zhu, F.; Ge, Y.; Zhou, J.; Chen, X.*; Chen, W.*; Li, N.*
Vulcanized Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheet Composite Hydrogels as Efficient Near-Infrared Light-Fueled Soft Actuators.
ACS Materials Letters 2023, 5, 1841−1850.
82. Zhu, Y.; Guo, Y.; Cao, K.; Zeng, S.; Jiang, G.; Liu, Y.; Cheng, W.; Bai, W.; Weng, X.; Chen, W.; Zhao, D.*; Yu , H.*; Yu, G.*
A general strategy for synthesizing biomacromolecular ionogel membranes via solvent-induced self-assembly.
Nature Synthesis 2023 ,10.1038/s44160-023-00315-5.
81. Zhu, J.; Dai, C.; Yang, H.; Shan, Y.; Ren, J.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*; Liang, J.*; Ling, S.*
IntelliSense Bio-Ionotronics Battery for Early Warning of Geological Seepage.
ACS Sensors 2023 10.1021/acssensors.3c00579.
80. Bai, L.; Zhang, Y.; Guo, S.; Qu, H.; Yu, Z.; Yu, H.; Chen, W.*; Tan, S.*
Hygrothermic Wood Actuated Robotic Hand.
Advanced Materials 2023, 2211437 .
79. Li, H.; Zhang, H.; Liu, W.; Huang, J.; Lu, K.; Shi, J.; Jin, H.; Chen, W.; Liu, M.*
Experimental Demonstration of Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production in Series with a Hydrogen Fuel Cell.
Journal of Chemical Education 2023, 100, 1404–1409.
78. Zhang, R.*; Hummelgård, M.; Örtegren, J.; Andersson, H.; Olsen, M.; Chen, W.; Wang, P.; Dahlström, C.; Eivazi, A.; Norgren, M.
Energy Harvesting Using Wastepaper-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerators.
Advanced Engineering Materials 2023, 2300107.
77. Mao, L.; Zhou, M.; Yao, L.; Yu, H.; Yan, X.; Shen, Y.; Chen, W.; Ma, P.; Ma, Y.*; Zhang, S.*; Tan,S.*
Crocodile Skin-Inspired Protective Composite Textiles with Pattern-Controllable Soft-Rigid Unified Structures.
Advanced Functional Materials 2023, 33, 2213419.
76. Dai, C.; Wang, Y.; Shan, Y.; Ye, C.; Lv, Z.; Yang, S.; Cao, L.; Ren, J*.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Shao, Z.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*; Ling, S.*
Cytoskeleton-inspired Hydrogel Ionotronics for Tactile Perception and Electroluminescent Display in Complex Mechanical Environments.
Materials Horizons 2023 10, 136–148.
75. Dai, C.; Ye, C.; Ren, J.; Yang, S.; Cao, L.*; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Shao, Z.; LI, J.; Chen, W.*; Ling, S.*
Humanoid Ionotronic Skin for Smart Object Recognition and Sorting.
ACS Materials Letter 2023, 5, 189−201.
74. Hu, B.; Zhang, H.; Li, S.; Chen, W.; Wu, Z.; Liang, H.; Yu, H.; Yu, S.*
Robust Carbonaceous Nanofiber Aerogels from All Biomass Precursors.
Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 2207532.
73. Liu, F.; Xue, F.; Zhang, C.; Lu, K.; Chen, G.; Ye, X.; Chen, W.; Guo, L.; Liu. M.*
Noble-metal-free Chalcogenide Nanotwins for Efficient and Stable Photocatalytic Pure Water Splitting by Surface Phosphorization and Cocatalyst Modification.
Materials Today Energy 2022, 101180.
72. Cheng, W.; Liu, Y.; Tong, Z.; Zhu, Y.; Cao, K.; Chen, W.; Zhao, D.*; Yu, H.*
Micro-interfacial Polymerization of Porous PEDOT for Printable Electronic Devices.
EcoMat 2022, e12288.
71. Wang, D.; Sheng, L.*; Jiang, M.; Jin, X.; Lin, X.; Lee, S-Y.; Shi, J.; Chen, W.*
Density and Porosity Optimization of Graphene Monoliths with High Mass-loading for High-volumetric-capacitance Electrodes.
Battery Energy 2022, 220017.
70. Seo, J-Y.; Lee, Y-H.; Kim, J-H.; Hong, Y-K.; Chen, W.; Lee, Y-G.*; Lee, S-Y.*
Electrode-customized Separator Membranes Based on Self-assembled Chiral Nematic Liquid Crystalline Cellulose Nanocrystals As a Natural Material Strategy for Sustainable Li-metal Batteries.
Energy Storage Materials 2022, 50, 783–791.
69. Shi, M.; Bai, L.; Wan, D.; Chang, Jin.; Li, Q.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Wei, T.*; Chen, W.*; Fan, Z.*
Transparent and Flexible Structurally Colored Biological Nanofiber Films for Visual Gas Detection.
Matter 2022, 05, 043.
68. Xu, S.; Zhao, H.; Li, Q.; Zhang, R.; Gao, S.; Wang, F.; Li, G.; Chen, B.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*; Yang, Y.*
Multi-dimensional, Transparent and Foldable Cellulose-based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Touching Password Recognition.
Nano Energy 2022, 98, 107307.
67. Li, Q.; Yan, B.; Wang, D.; Yang, Q.; Huang, Z.; Fan, J.; Dai, M.; Chen, W.*; Zhi, C.*
Mechanistic Study of Interfacial Modification for Stable Zn Anode Based on a Thin Separator.
Small 2022, 18, 2201045.
66. Huang, Y.; Li, K.; Zhou, J.; Guan, J.; Zhu, F.; Wang, K.; Liu, M.*; Chen, W.; Li, N.*
Nitrogen-stabilized oxygen vacancies in TiO2 for site-selective loading of Pt and CoOx cocatalysts toward enhanced photoreduction of CO2 to CH4.
Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 439, 135744.
65.Dai, M.; Zhao, F.; Fan, J.; Li, Q.; Yang, Y.; Fan, Z.; Ling, S.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*; Yu, G.*
A Nanostructured Moisture Absorbing Gel for Fast and Large-Scale Passive Dehumidification.
Advanced Materials 2022, 34, 2200865.
(The nanocellulose-derived moisture-absorbing gel was featured at Science in pictures (July 2022 feature) on Advanced Science News)
64.Tang, Z.; Zhu, F.; Zhou, J.; Chen, W.*; Wang, K.; Liu, M.*; Wang, N.; Li, N.*
Monolithic NF@ZnO/Au@ZIF-8 Photocatalyst with Strong Photo-Thermal-Magnetic Coupling and Selective-Breathing Effects for Boosted Conversion of CO2 to CH4.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2022, 309, 121267.
63.Shi, M.; Liu, Z.*; Zhang, S.; Liang, S.; Jiang, Y.; Bai, H.; Jiang, Z.; Chang, J.; Feng, J.; Chen, W.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Wei, T.*; Fan, Z.*
A Mott–Schottky Heterogeneous Layer for Li–S Batteries:Enabling Both High Stability and Commercial-Sulfur Utilization.
Advanced Energy Materials 2022, 12, 2103657.
62.Chen, X.; Zhang, M.; Qin H.; Zhou, J.*; Shen, Q.; Wang, K.; Chen, W.*; Liu, M.; Li, N.*
Synergy Effect between Adsorption and Heterogeneous Photo-Fenton-Like Catalysis on LaFeO3/Lignin-Biochar Composites for High Efficiency Degradation of Ofloxacin under Visible Light.
Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 280, 119751.
61.Bai, L.; Ma, J.; Song, H.; Yang, Y.; Zhi, C.; Lee, S.-Y.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Yu, M.*; Chen, W.*
Flexible, Electrically Conductive, Nanostructured, Asymmetric Aerogel Films for Lithium−Sulfur Batteries.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 59174−59184.
60.Meng, J.; Liu, Y.; Xia, Q.; Liu, S.; Tong, Z.; Chen, W.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Dou, S.*; Yu, H.*
High-Loading, Well-Dispersed Phosphorus Confined on Nanoporous Carbon Surfaces with Enhanced Catalytic Activity and Cyclic Stability.
Small Methods 2021, 5 (12), 2100964.
59.Wang, Y.; Dai, M.; Wu, H.; Xu, L.; Zhang, T.; Chen, W.*; Wang, Z.*; Yang, Y.*
Moisture Induced Electricity for Self-Powered Microrobots.
Nano Energy 2021, 90, 106499.
58.Cao, L.; Liu, Q.; Ren, J.; Chen, W.*; Pei, Y.; Kaplan, D. L.*; Ling, S.*
Electro-Blown Spun Silk/Graphene Nanoionotronic Skin for Multifunctional Fire Protection and Alarm.
Advanced Materials 2021, 33, 2102500.
57.Zhu, Y.; Cao, K.; Cheng, W.; Zeng, S.; Dou, S.; Chen, W.; Zhao, D.*; Yu, H.*
A Non-Newtonian Fluidic Cellulose-Modified Glass Microfiber Separator for Flexible Lithium-Ion Batteries.
EcoMat 2021, 3, e12126.
56.Ren, J.; Liu, Q.; Pei, Y.; Wang, Y.; Yang, S.; Lin, S.; Chen, W.*; Ling, S.*; Kaplan, D. L.*
Bioinspired Energy Storage and Harvesting Devices.
Advanced Materials Technology 2021, 6 (9), 2001301.
55.Li, N.*; Tu, Y.; Wang, K.; Huang, D.; Shen, Q.; Chen, W.*; Zhou,J.; Ma, Q.; Liu, M.*
Construction of a Photo-Thermal-Magnetic Coupling Reaction System for Enhanced CO2 Reduction to CH4.
Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 421, 129940.
54.Fang, Y.; Jing, C.; Li, G.; Ling, S.; Wang, Z.; Lu, P.; Li, Q.; Dai, C.; Gao, S; Chen, B.; Bai, L.; Zhang, H.; Liu, T.; Wang, Q.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*; Liu, S.*; Chen, W.*
Wood-Derived Systems for Sustainable Oil/Water Separation.
Advanced Sustainable System 2021, 5 (7), 2100039.
53.Bai, L.; Li, Q.; Yang, Y.*; Ling, S.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*
Biopolymer Nanofibers for Nanogenerator Development.
Research 2021, 1843061.
52.Wang, M.; Sun, T.; Wan, D.; Dai, M.; Ling, S.; Wang, J.; Liu, Y.; Fang, Y.; Xu, S.; Yeo, J.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Wang, Q.; Li, J.; Yang, Y.*; Fan, Z.*; Chen, W.*
Solar-Powered Nanostructured Biopolymer Hygroscopic Aerogels for Atmospheric Water Harvesting.
Nano Energy 2021, 80, 105569.
51.Murray, S.; Wei, W.; Hart, R.; Fan, J.; Chen, W.; Lu, P.*
Solar Degradation of Toxic Colorants in Polluted Water by Thermally Tuned Ceria Nanocrystal-Based Nanofibers.
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020, 3 (11), 613–631.
50.Ghaban, R.; Duong, J.; Patel, D.; Singh, H.; Chen, W.; Lu, P.*
Solvent-Assisted Nanochannel Encapsulation of a Natural Phase Change Material in Polystyrene Hollow Fibers for High-Performance Thermal Energy Storage.
ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020, 3 (10), 10089-10096.
49.Meng, J.; Liu, Y.; Shi, X.; Chen, W.; Zhang, X.*; Yu, H.*
Recyclable Nanocellulose-Confined Palladium Nanoparticles with Enhanced Room-Temperature Catalytic Activity and Chemoselectivity.
Science China Materials 2020, 2095-8226.
48.Wang, M.; Fang, Y.; Li, Q.; Bai, L.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*
Nanostructures of Plant Cell Walls and Individualization Methodology of Nanofibrillated Cellulose.
Acta Polymerica Sinica 2020, 51 (06), 586-597.
47.Li, N.*; Liu, X.; Zhou, J.; Chen, W.*; Liu, M.*
Encapsulating CuO Quantum Dots in MIL-125(Ti) Coupled with g-C3N4 for Efficient Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction.
Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 399, 125782.
46.Chen, L.; Bai, L.; Yeo, J.; Wei, T.*; Chen, W.*; Fan, Z.*
Wood-Derived Carbon with Selectively Introduced C=O Groups toward Stable and High Capacity Anodes for Sodium Storage.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (24), 27499-27507.
45.Li, N.; Liu, X.; Zhou, J.*; Ma, Q.; Liu, M.*; Chen, W.*
Enhanced Ni/W/Ti Catalyst Stability from Ti-O-W Linkage for Effective Conversion of Cellulose into Ethylene Glycol.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2020, 8 (26), 9650-9659.
44.Wang, Y.; Huang, W.; Wang, Y.; Mu, X.; Ling, S.; Yu, H.; Chen, W.; Guo, C.; Watson, M. C.; Yu, Y.; Black III, L. D.; Li, M.; Omenetto, F. G.; Li, C.*; Kaplan, D. L.*
Stimuli-Responsive Composite Biopolymer Actuators with Selective Spatial Deformation Behavior.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2020, 117 (25), 14602-14608.
43.Zhao, D.; Zhu, Y.; Cheng, W.; Chen, W.; Wu, Y.*; Yu, H.*
Cellulose-Based Flexible Functional Materials for Emerging Intelligent Electronics.
Advanced Materials 2020, 33 (28), 2000619.
42.Kim, J.-H.; Lee, D.; Lee, Y.-H.; Chen, W.*; Lee, S.-Y.*
Nanocellulose for Energy Storage Systems: beyond the Limits of Synthetic Materials.
Advanced Materials 2019, 31, 1804826.
41.Li, X.; Liu, Y.; Yu, Y.; Chen, W.; Liu, Y.; Yu, H.*
Nanoformulations of Quercetin and Cellulose Nanofibers as Healthcare Supplements with Sustained Antioxidant Activity.
Carbohydrate Polymers 2019, 207, 160-168.
40.Ma, Y.; Lu, P.; Chen, W.; Zhang, Y.; Gu, J.*
Preparation of Isocyanate Microcapsules as Functional Crosslinking Agent by Minimalist Interfacial Polymerization.
Advanced Powder Technology 2019, 30 (10), 1995-2002.
39.Ma, Y.; Xia, Q.; Liu, Y.; Chen, W.; Liu, S.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*
Production of Nanocellulose Using Hydrated Deep Eutectic Solvent Combined with Ultrasonic Treatment.
ACS Omega 2019, 4 (5), 8539-8547.
38.Qi, J.; Xie, Y.; Liang, H.; Wang, Y.; Ge, T.; Song, Y.; Wang, M.; Li, Q.*; Yu, H.; Fan, Z.; Liu, S.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Lu, P.*; Chen, W.*
Lightweight, Flexible, Thermally-Stable, and Thermally-Insulating Aerogels Derived from Cotton Nanofibrillated Cellulose.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019, 7 (10), 9202-9210.
37.Wang, Y.; Wang, J.; Ling, S.; Liang, H.; Dai, M.; Bai, L.; Li, Q.; Fan, Z.; Lee, S.-Y.; Yu, H.*; Liu, S.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Sun, T.*; Chen, W.*
Wood-Derived Nanofibrillated Cellulose Hydrogel Filters for Fast and Efficient Separation of Nanoparticles.
Advanced Sustainable Systems 2019, 3, 1900063.
36.Yang, N.; Qi, P.; Ren, J.; Yu, H.; Liu, S.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*; Kaplan, D. L.*; Ling, S.*
Polyvinyl Alcohol/Silk Fibroin/Borax Hydrogel lonotronics: A Highly Stretchable, Self-Healable, and Biocompatible Sensing Platform.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (26), 23632-23638.
35.Zhang, Q.; Chen, C.; Chen, W.; Pastel, G.; Guo, X.; Liu, S.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*; Hu, L.*
Nanocellulose-Enabled, All-Nanofiber, High-Performance Supercapacitor.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (6), 5919-5927.
34.Li, S.; Hu, B.; Ding, Y.; Liang, H.*; Li, C.; Yu, Z.; Wu, Z.; Chen, W.; Yu, S.*
Wood-Derived Ultrathin Carbon Nanofiber Aerogels.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2018, 57 (24), 7085-7090.
33.Chen, B.; Yang, N.; Jiang, Q.; Chen, W.*; Yang, Y.*
Transparent Triboelectric Nanogenerator-Induced High Voltage Pulsed Electric Field for a Self-Powered Handheld Printer.
Nano Energy 2018, 44, 468-475.
32.Chen, C.*; Mo, M.; Chen, W.; Pan, M.; Xu, Z.; Wang, H.; Li, D.*
Highly Conductive Nanocomposites Based on Cellulose Nanofiber Networks via NaOH Treatments.
Composites Science and Technology 2018, 156, 103-108.
31.Chen, W.; Yu, H.; Lee, S.-Y.; Wei, T.; Li, J.; Fan, Z.*
Nanocellulose: A Promising Nanomaterial for Advanced Electrochemical Energy Storage.
Chemical Society Reviews 2018, 47 (8), 2837-2872.
30.Fan, J.; Ifuku, S.; Wang, M.; Uetani, K.; Liang, H.; Yu, H.; Song, Y.; Li, X.; Qi, J.; Zheng, Y.; Wang, H.; Shen, J.; Zhang, X.; Li, Q.; Liu, S.; Liu, Y.; Wang, Q.; Li, J.; Lu, P.*; Fan, Z.*; Chen, W.*
Robust Nanofibrillated Cellulose Hydro/Aerogels from Benign Solution/Solvent Exchange Treatment.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018, 6 (5), 6624-6634.
29.Ling, S.*; Chen, W.; Fan, Y.; Zheng, K.; Jin, K.; Yu, H.; Buehler, M. J.*; Kaplan, D. L.*
Biopolymer Nanofibrils: Structure, Modeling, Preparation, and Applications.
Progress in Polymer Science 2018, 85, 1-56.
28.Lu, P.*; Chen, W.; Fan, J.; Ghaban, R.; Zhu, M.
Thermally Triggered Nanocapillary Encapsulation of Lauric Acid in Polystyrene Hollow Fibers for Efficient Thermal Energy Storage.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2018, 6 (2), 2656-2666.
27.Xia, Q.; Liu, Y.; Meng, J.; Cheng, W.; Chen, W.; Liu, S.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*
Multiple Hydrogen Bond Coordination in Three-Constituent Deep Eutectic Solvents Enhances Lignin Fractionation from Biomass.
Green Chemistry 2018, 20 (12), 2711-2721.
26.Liu, Y.; Chen, W.; Xia, Q.; Guo, B.; Wang, Q.; Liu, S.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*
Efficient Cleavage of Lignin-Carbohydrate Complexes and Ultrafast Extraction of Lignin Oligomers from Wood Biomass by Microwave-Assisted Treatment with Deep Eutectic Solvent.
ChemSusChem 2017, 10 (8), 1692-1700.
25.Liu, Y.; Guo, B.; Xia, Q.; Meng, J.; Chen, W.; Liu, S.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*
Efficient Cleavage of Strong Hydrogen Bonds in Cotton by Deep Eutectic Solvents and Facile Fabrication of Cellulose Nanocrystals in High Yields.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2017, 5 (9), 7623-7631.
24.Lu, P.*; Chen, W.; Zhu, M.; Murray, S.
Embedding Lauric Acid into Polystyrene Nanofibers to Make High-Capacity Membranes for Efficient Thermal Energy Storage.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2017, 5 (8), 7249-7259.
23.Rao, X.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, W.; Liu, Y.; Yu, H.*
Assembly of Organosolv Lignin Residues into Submicron Spheres: The Effects of Granulating in Ethanol/Water Mixtures and Homogenization.
ACS Omega 2017, 2 (6), 2858-2865.
22.Wang, Y.; Uetani, K.; Liu, S.; Zhang, X.; Wang, Y.; Lu, P.; Wei, T.; Fan, Z.; Shen, J.; Yu, H.*; Li, S.; Zhang, Q.; Li, Q.; Fan, J.; Yang, N.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Cao, J.; Li, J.; Chen, W.*
Multifunctional Bionanocomposite Foams with a Chitosan Matrix Reinforced by Nanofibrillated Cellulose.
ChemNanoMat 2017, 3 (2), 98-108.
21.Yu, X.; Bian, P.; Xue, Y.; Qian, X.; Yu, H.; Chen, W.; Hu, X.; Wang, P.; Wu, D.; Duan, Q.; Li, L.; Shen, J.*; Ni, Y.
Combination of Microsized Mineral Particles and Rosin as a Basis for Converting Cellulosic Fibers into "Sticky" Superhydrophobic Paper.
Carbohydrate Polymers 2017, 174, 95-102.
20.Zhao, D.; Chen, C.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, W.; Liu, S.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*
High Performance, Flexible, Solid-State Supercapacitors Based on a Renewable and Biodegradable Mesoporous Cellulose Membrane.
Advanced Energy Materials 2017, 7, 1700739.
19.Zhao, D.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, W.; Yi, X.; Liu, S.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Li, X.*; Yu, H.*
Highly Flexible and Conductive Cellulose-Mediated PEDOT:PSS/MWCNT Composite Films for Supercapacitor Electrodes.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9 (15), 13213-13222.
18.Chen, W.; Zhang, Q.; Uetani, K.; Li, Q.; Lu, P.; Cao, J.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Quan, Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, S.; Meng, Z.; Yu, H.*
Sustainable Carbon Aerogels Derived from Nanofibrillated Cellulose as High-Performance Absorption Materials.
Advanced Materials Interfaces 2016, 3, 1600004.
17.Li, Q.; Chen, W.; Li, Y.; Guo, X.; Song, S.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*; Zeng, J.
Comparative Study of the Structure, Mechanical and Thermomechanical Properties of Cellulose Nanopapers with Different Thickness.
Cellulose 2016, 23 (2), 1375-1382.
16.Li, Y.; Liu, Y.; Chen, W.; Wang, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*
Facile Extraction of Cellulose Nanocrystals from Wood Using Ethanol and Peroxide Solvothermal Pretreatment Followed by Ultrasonic Nanofibrillation.
Green Chemistry 2016, 18 (4), 1010-1018.
15.Tan, Y.; Liu, Y.; Chen, W.; Liu, Y.; Wang, Q.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*
Homogeneous Dispersion of Cellulose Nanofibers in Waterborne Acrylic Coatings with Improved Properties and Unreduced Transparency.
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2016, 4 (7), 3766-3772.
14.Chen, W.; Li, Q.; Cao, J.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Zhang, J.; Luo, S.; Yu, H.*
Revealing the Structures of Cellulose Nanofiber Bundles Obtained by Mechanical Nanofibrillation via TEM Observation.
Carbohydrate Polymers 2015, 117, 950-956.
13.Sun, L.; Chen, W.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.; Yu, H.*
Soy Protein Isolate/Cellulose Nanofiber Complex Gels as Fat Substitutes: Rheological and Textural Properties and Extent of Cream Imitation.
Cellulose 2015, 22 (4), 2619-2627.
12.Bian, P.; Dai, Y.; Qian, X.; Chen, W.; Yu, H.*; Li, J.; Shen, J.*
A Process of Converting Cellulosic Fibers to a Superhydrophobic Fiber Product by Internal and Surface Applications of Calcium Carbonate in Combination with Bio-Wax Post-Treatment.
RSC Advances 2014, 4 (95), 52680-52685.
11.Chen, W.; Abe, K.; Uetani, K.; Yu, H.; Liu, Y.; Yano, H.*
Individual Cotton Cellulose Nanofibers: Pretreatment and Fibrillation Technique.
Cellulose 2014, 21 (3), 1517-1528.
10.Chen, W.; Li, Q.; Wang, Y.; Yi, X.; Zeng, J.*; Yu, H.*; Liu, Y.; Li, J.
Comparative Study of Aerogels Obtained from Differently Prepared Nanocellulose Fibers.
ChemSusChem 2014, 7 (1), 154-161.
9.Gao, J.; Li, Q.; Chen, W.; Liu, Y.; Yu, H.*
Self-Assembly of Nanocellulose and Indomethacin into Hierarchically Ordered Structures with High Encapsulation Efficiency for Sustained Release Applications.
ChemPlusChem 2014, 79 (5), 725-731.
8.Lu, T.; Li, Q.; Chen, W.; Yu, H.*
Composite Aerogels Based on Dialdehyde Nanocellulose and Collagen for Potential Applications as Wound Dressing and Tissue Engineering Scaffold.
Composites Science and Technology 2014, 94, 132-138.
7.Yu, H.*; Chen, P.; Chen, W.*; Liu, Y.
Effect of Cellulose Nanofibers on Induced Polymerization of Aniline and Formation of Nanostructured Conducting Composite.
Cellulose 2014, 21 (3), 1757-1767.
6.Chen, P.; Yu, H.*; Liu, Y.; Chen, W.; Wang, X.; Ouyang, M.
Concentration Effects on the Isolation and Dynamic Rheological Behavior of Cellulose Nanofibers via Ultrasonic Processing.
Cellulose 2013, 20 (1), 149-157.
5.Chen, W.; Yu, H.*; Li, Q.; Liu, Y.; Li, J.
Ultralight and Highly Flexible Aerogels with Long Cellulose I Nanofibers.
Soft Matter 2011, 7 (21), 10360-10368.
4.Chen, W.; Yu, H.*; Liu, Y.
Preparation of Millimeter-Long Cellulose I Nanofibers with Diameters of 30-80 nm from Bamboo Fibers.
Carbohydrate Polymers 2011, 86 (2), 453-461.
3.Chen, W.; Yu, H.*; Liu, Y.; Chen, P.; Zhang, M.; Hai, Y.
Individualization of Cellulose Nanofibers from Wood Using High-Intensity Ultrasonication Combined with Chemical Pretreatments.
Carbohydrate Polymers 2011, 83 (4), 1804-1811.
2.Chen, W.; Yu, H.*; Liu, Y.; Hai, Y.; Zhang, M.; Chen, P.
Isolation and Characterization of Cellulose Nanofibers from Four Plant Cellulose Fibers Using a Chemical-Ultrasonic Process.
Cellulose 2011, 18 (2), 433-442.
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A Method for Isolating Cellulose Nanofibrils from Wood and Their Morphological Characteristics.
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