钱学仁,博士,二级教授,博士生导师,学术名师。1989年毕业于伟德betvlctor体育官方网站林产化工专业,获工学学士学位,1992年毕业于伟德betvlctor体育官方网站林产化学加工学科,获工学硕士学位,同年留校工作。1998年毕业于伟德betvlctor体育官方网站木材学学科,获工学博士学位。2003年11月至2004年10月期间,受国家公派在加拿大新布朗斯维克大学作访问教授和博士后研究工作。林业部跨世纪学术与技术带头人重点培养对象(第四批,林人才字[1999]201号)、伟德betvlctor体育官方网站拔尖人才重点培养对象(第五批)。曾兼任高等学校林科学科林产化工专业指导委员会委员、第四届ISETPP学术委员会委员、2010年度国家自然科学基金特邀评审专家。现兼任中国造纸杂志社编委、《生物质化学工程》杂志编委、《造纸科学与技术》杂志编委、《Paper and Biomaterials》杂志编委、中国造纸学会理事、黑龙江省造纸学会常务理事兼学术工作组组长、黑龙江省轻工业科学技术协会常务理事、中国造纸学会特种纸专业委员会专家委员会委员、中国造纸学会纳米纤维素及材料专业委员会委员、制浆造纸科学与技术教育部/山东省重点实验室学术委员会委员、广西清洁化制浆造纸与污染控制重点实验室学术委员会委员、牡丹江恒丰纸业有限公司独立董事、澳大利亚制浆造纸工业技术学会(APPITA)会员。
5.钱学仁,刘相尧. 导电聚合物/纤维素纤维复合材料.北京:科学出版社, 2018
1. Li Xiang(李响), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧), Huang Jiwei(黄继伟). Preparation of a novel composite comprising biochar skeleton and “chrysanthemum” g-C3N4 for enhanced visible light photocatalytic degradation of formaldehyde. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 487: 1262-1270 (SCI)
2. Chang Ziyang(常紫阳), Li Shuangyang(李双阳), Sun Lijian(孙立建), Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), An Xianhui(安显慧), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Paper-based electrode comprising zirconium phenylphosphonate modified cellulose fibers and porous polyaniline. Cellulose, 2019, 26(11): 6739-6754 (SCI)
3. Sun Lijian(孙立建), Xiao Guifa(肖桂法), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Alkyne functionalized cellulose fibers: a versatile "clickable" platform for antibacterial materials. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 207: 68-78 (SCI)
4. Sun Lijian(孙立建), Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Effective and simple one-step strategy for preparation of “clickable” cellulose modules: support to build antibacterial materials. Cellulose, 2019, 26: 1961-1976 (SCI)
5. Wu Dong(吴栋), Li Limei(李丽梅), Wang Ying(王颖), Meng Zhengren(孟正仁), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Wang Yongsheng(王永盛), Shen Jing(沈静)*. Localized liquefaction coupled with rapid solidification for miniaturizing/nanotexturizing microfibrous bioassemblies into robust, liquid-resistant sheet. ACS Sustainable Chenistry & Engneering, 2018, 6(11): 15697-15707 (SCI)
6. Sun Lijian(孙立建), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), An Xianhui(安显慧). Integration of graft copolymerization and ring-opening reaction: A mild and effective preparation strategy for “clickable” cellulose fibers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 198: 41-50 (SCI收录)
7. Ru Jidong(汝吉东), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Wang Ying(王颖). Study on antibacterial finishing of cotton fabric with silver nanoparticles stabilized by nanoliposomes. Cellulose, 2018, 25(9): 5443-5454 (SCI收录)
8. Ru Jidong(汝吉东), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Wang Ying(王颖). Low-salt or salt-free dyeing of cotton fibers with reactive dyes using liposomes as dyeing/level-dyeing promotors. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8(1): 13045(SCI收录)
9. Shang Wei(尚尉), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Yu Dayu(于大禹). Preparation of modified diatomite filler via polyethyleneimine impregnation and its application in papermaking. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, 20(135): 46275-46281 (SCI收录)
10. Yue Daran(岳大然), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Isolation and rheological characterization of cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) from coir fibers in comparison to wood and cotton. Polymers, 2018, 10(3): 320-331 (SCI收录)
11. Wang Peng(王鹏), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Shen Jing(沈静)*. Superhydrophobic coatings with edible biowaxes for reducing or eliminating liquid residues of foods and drinks in containers. BioResources, 2018, 13(1): 1-2 (SCI收录)
12. Yu Xiaoyan(于笑妍), Bian Peiwen(卞培文), Xue Yang(薛杨), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Yu Haipeng(于海鹏), Chen Wenshuai(陈文帅), Hu Xiaohai(胡小海), Wang Peng(王鹏), Wu Dong(吴栋), Duan Qinghui(段清徽), Li Limei(李丽梅), Shen Jing(沈静)*, Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). Combination of microsized mineral particles and rosin as a basis for converting cellulosic fibers into “sticky” superhydrophobic paper. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 174: 95-102 (SCI收录)
13. Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), Sun Lijian(孙立建), Xiao Guifa(肖桂法), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Green and combinational method towards clickable alkynylated cellulose fibers (ACFs). Cellulose, 2017, 24(8): 3219-3229 (SCI收录)
14. Mao Hui(毛慧), Dong Yalu(董亚鲁), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Enhancement of bonding strength of polypyrrole/cellulose fibers (PPy/CF) hybrid through lignosulfonate doping. Cellulose, 2017, 24(5): 2255-2263 (SCI收录)
15. Chen Jinghuan, Liu Jingang, Zhang Wentao, Wang Kun, Qian Xueren, Sun Runcang. Conductive films prepared from cellulose, graphite and polyaniline nanoparticles with highly thermal stability and antibacterial activity. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 253: 141 (SCI收录)
16. Fan Jun(范俊), Li Ting(李婷), Ren Yangzhao(任仰召), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Wang Qingwen(王清文), Shen Jing(沈静)*, Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). Interaction between two oppositely charged starches in an aqueous medium containing suspended mineral particles as a basis for the generation of cellulose-compatible composites. Industrial Crops and Products, 2017, 97, 417-424 (SCI收录)
17. Xiao Guifa(肖桂法), Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), Song Feiyu(宋飞宇), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Facile strategy for preparation of alkyne-functionalized cellulose fibers with click reactivity. Cellulose, 2017, 24(2): 591-607 (SCI收录)
18. Wu Dong, Qian Xueren, Shen Jing*. Macromolecular reorganization as a basis for converting cellulosic hydrogels into sustainable plastics. Bioresources, 2017, 12(4): 6902-6903 (SCI收录)
19. Xie Wei(谢玮), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Liu Zhenhua(刘振华), Xueren Qian(钱学仁)*. Surface modification of PCC with guar gum using organic titanium ionic crosslinking agent and its application as papermaking filler. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 150: 114-120 (SCI收录)
20. Li Ting(李婷), Fan Jun(范俊), Chen Wenshuai(陈文帅), Shu Jiayan(舒佳岩), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Wei Haifeng(魏海峰), Wang Qingwen(王清文), Shen Jing(沈静)*. Coaggregation of mineral filler particles and starch granules as a basis for improving filler-fiber interaction in paper production. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2016, 149: 20-27 (SCI收录)
21. Wang Chen(王晨), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). In situ green preparation and antibacterial activity of copper-based metal–organic frameworks/cellulose fibers (HKUST-1/CF) composite. Cellulose, 2015, 22(6): 3789-3797 (SCI收录)
22. Ru Jidong(汝吉东), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Hydrogen peroxide bleaching of cotton fibers with cationic liposomes as novel stabilizer. Fibers and Polymers, 2015, 16(11): 2409-2415 (SCI收录)
23. Li Haichao(李海朝)*, Qian xueren(钱学仁), Li Tianlu(李天璐), Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). Percolation for Coated Conductive Paper: Electrical Conductivity as a Function of Volume Fraction of Graphite and Carbon Black. Bioresources, 2015, 10(3): 4877-4885 (SCI收录)
24. Mao Hui(毛慧), Liu Xingchi(刘星驰), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Preparation and dedoping-resistant effect of self-doped polyaniline/cellulose fibers (SPANI/CF) hybrid. Cellulose, 2015, 22(4): 2641-2650 (SCI收录)
25. Fan Jun(范俊), Cao Yaoyun(曹耀云), Li Ting(李婷), Li Jinsong, Qian Xueren(钱学仁), and Shen Jing(沈静)*. Unmodified starch granules for strengthening mineral-filled cellulosic fiber networks promoted by starch pretreatment with a cationic polymer flocculant in combination with the use of an anionic microparticulate material. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2015, 3(8): 1866-1872 (SCI收录)
26. Chen Jinghuan(陈京环), Xu Jikun, Wang Kun(王堃), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Sun Runcang(孙润仓)*. Highly thermostable, flexible, and conductive films prepared from cellulose, graphite, and polypyrrole nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(28): 15641-15648 (SCI收录)
27. Huang Xiujie(黄修杰), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Li Jinsong(李劲松), Lou Shuang(娄爽), Shen Jing(沈静)*. Starch/rosin complexes for improving the interaction of mineral filler particles with cellulosic fibers. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 117: 78-82 (SCI收录)
28. Shang Wei(尚尉), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Liang Hunan(梁虎南). Preparation of modified diatomite filler via a starch-fatty acid complex coating method for improvement of paper strength properties. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2017, 4(49): 936-942
29. Zhou Yang(周洋), Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Further improvement of flame retardancy of polyaniline-deposited paper composite through using phytic acid as dopant or co-dopant. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 115: 670-676 (SCI收录)
30. Yang Dongmei(杨冬梅), Yuan Haijian(袁海舰), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Calcination of intercalated talcite and its effect on the adsorption of abietate from aqueous solution. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2015, 43(1): 47-52 (SCI收录)
31. Bian Peiwen(卞培文), Dai Yangyang(代洋洋), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Chen Wenshuai(陈文帅), Yu Haipeng(于海鹏), Li Jinsong(李劲松) and Shen Jing(沈静)*. A process of converting cellulosic fibers to superhydrophobic fiber product by internal and surface applications of calcium carbonate in combination with bio-wax post-treatment. RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (95): 52680-52685 (SCI收录)
32. Zhang Hui(张晖), Chang Ziyang(常紫阳), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). In situ preparation, characterization and performance of magnesium carbonate whiskers/cellulose fibers hybrid paper. Cellulose, 2014, 21: 4633-4641 (SCI收录)
33. Chen Zicheng(陈子成), Li Chunting(李春婷), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Modification of precipitated calcium carbonate filler for papermaking with cationic chitosan and carboxymethyl chitosan. BioResources, 2014, 9(4): 5917-5927 (SCI收录)
34. Chen Zicheng(陈子成), Li Chunting(李春婷), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Wet strength and antibacterial performance of cellulosic paper induced by maleic anhydride-acylated chitosan. BioResources, 2014, 9(3): 4503-4509 (SCI收录)
35. Huang Xiujie(黄修杰), Sun Zaisong(孙在松), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Li Jinsong(李劲松), Shen Jing(沈静)*. Starch/sodium oleate/calcium chloride modified filler for papermaking: Impact of filler modification process conditions and retention systems as evaluated by filler bondability factor in combination with other parameters. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(15): 6426-6432 (SCI收录)
36. Shen Jing(沈静)*, Su Wenqiang(苏文强), Yang Dongmei(杨冬梅), Qian Xueren(钱学仁). English-assisted teaching pertaining to pulp and paper in Chinese universities: An undergraduate perspective. BioResources, 2014, 9(3): 3757-3758 (SCI收录)
37. Mao Hui(毛慧), Wu Xianna(邬宪娜), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Conductivity and flame retardancy of polyaniline-deposited functional cellulosic paper doped with organic sulfonic acids. Cellulose, 2014, 21(1): 697-704 (SCI收录)
38. Shen Jing(沈静), Li Jinsong(李劲松), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Ren Wanshan(任万山), Pedram Fatehi. A review on engineering of cellulosic cigarette paper to reduce carbon monoxide delivery of cigarettes. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2014, 101: 769-775 (SCI收录)
39. Chen Zicheng(陈子成), Zhang Hui(张晖), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Combination of glyoxal and chitosan as the crosslinking system to improve paper wet strength. BioResources, 2013, 8(4), 6087-6096 (SCI收录)
40. Yang He(杨赫), Qiu Li(邱莉), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), and Shen Jing(沈静)*. Filler modification for papermaking with cationic starch and carboxymethyl cellulose: A comparative study. BioResources, 2013, 8(4), 5449-5460 (SCI收录)
41. Huang Xiujie(黄修杰), Shen Jing(沈静)* and Qian Xueren(钱学仁). Filler modification for papermaking with starch/oleic acid complexes with the aid of calcium ions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 98(1): 931-935 (SCI收录)
42. Xu Shiyu(许士玉), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Shen Jing(沈静). Introducing carboxyl and aldehyde groups to softwood-derived cellulosic fibers by laccase/TEMPO-catalyzed oxidation. Cellulose, 2013, 20: 2371-2378 (SCI收录)
43. Chen Zicheng(陈子成), Zhang Hui(张晖), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Preparation and application of maleic anhydride-acylated chitosan for wet strength improvement of paper. BioResources, 2013, 8(3): 3901-3911 (SCI收录)
44. Yang Dongmei(杨冬梅), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Adsorption of abietic acid from colloidal suspension by calcined Mg/Al hydrotalcite compounds. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(21): 6956-6961 (SCI收录)
45. Wu Xianna(邬宪娜), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Flame retardancy of polyaniline-deposited paper composites prepared via in situ polymerization. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92(1): 435-440 (SCI收录)
46. Liu Xiangyao(刘相尧), Zhou Wanpeng(周万鹏), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Shen Jing(沈静), An Xianhui(安显慧). Polyaniline/cellulose fiber composite prepared using persulfate as oxidant for Cr(VI)-detoxification. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2013, 92(1): 659-661 (SCI收录)
47. Lei Yu(雷雨), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Shen Jing(沈静), An Xianhui(安显慧). A process of applying polypyrrole-engineered pulp fibers prepared using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant to detoxification of Cr(VI)-contaminated water. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 131: 134-138 (SCI收录)
48. Li Jinsong(李劲松), Shen Jing(沈静)*, Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Ren Wanshan(任万山). Engineering of cellulosic cigarette paper to reduce the toxic emissions of smoking. BioResources, 2013, 8(2): 1517-1519 (SCI收录)
49. Chen Xiaoyu(陈晓宇), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Preparation of flame-retardant paper using magnesium salt whiskers as filler. Appita Journal, 2012, 65(1): 87-92 (SCI收录)
50. Shen Jing(沈静), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Application of fillers in cellulosic paper by surface filling: an interesting alternative or supplement to wet-end addition. BioResources, 2012, 7(2): 1385-1388 (SCI收录)
51. Shen Jing(沈静), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Addressing the water footprint concept: A demonstrable strategy for papermaking industry. BioResources, 2012, 7(3): 2707-2710 (SCI收录)
52. Chen Zicheng(陈子成), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Shen Jing(沈静). Repulping high wet-strength waste banknote paper by a dual-pH pretreatment process. BioResources, 2012, 7(3): 3701-3710 (SCI收录)
53. Shen Jing(沈静), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Use of mineral pigments in fabrication of superhydroohobicically engineered cellulosic paper. BioResources, 2012, 7(4):4495-4498 (SCI收录)
54. Lei Yu(雷雨), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Shen Jing(沈静), An Xianhui(安显慧). Integrated reductive/adsorptive detoxification of Cr(VI)-contaminated water by polypyrrole/cellulose fiber composite. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51(31): 10408-10415 (SCI收录)
55. Liu Xiangyao(刘相尧), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Shen Jing(沈静), Zhou Wanpeng(周万鹏), An Xianhui(安显慧). An integrated approach for Cr(VI)-detoxification with polyaniline/cellulose fiber composite prepared using hydrogen peroxide as oxidant. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 124, 516-519 (SCI收录)
56. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). A review on use of fillers in cellulosic paper for functional applications. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(2): 661-666 (SCI收录)
57. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Ni Yonghao(倪永浩). Carbohydrate-based fillers and pigments for papermaking: A review. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, 85(1): 17-22 (SCI收录)
58. Chen Xiaoyu(陈晓宇), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Using calcium carbonate whiskers as papermaking filler. BioResources, 2011, 6(3): 2435-2447 (SCI收录)
59. Chen Yu(陈宇), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, An Xianhui(安显慧). Preparation of conductive paper via in situ polymerization of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene. BioResources, 2011, 6(3): 3410-3423 (SCI收录)
60. Yang Dongmei(杨冬梅), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Study on adsorption of benzoic acid by hydrotalcites and their calcined products. Environmental Engineering Science, 2010, 27(10): 853-860 (SCI收录)
61. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Yang Fei(杨飞). Fillers and the carbon footprint of papermaking. BioResources, 2010, 5(4): 2026-2028 (SCI收录)
62. Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Yu Gang(于钢), An Xianhui(安显慧). Dopant effect and characterization of polypyrrole-cellulose composites prepared by in-situ polymerization process. Cellulose, 2010, 17(6): 1067-1077, (SCI收录)
63. Li Jian(李坚), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Chen Jinghuan(陈京环), Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), An Xianhui(安显慧). Conductivity decay of cellulose–polypyrrole conductive paper composite prepared by in situ polymerization method. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 82(2): 504-509 (SCI收录)
64. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Yang Fei(杨飞), Kong Fangong(孔凡功). Nanofillers for papermaking wet end applications. BioResources, 2010, 5(3): 1328-1331 (SCI收录)
65. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Yang Fei(杨飞). Carboxymethyl cellulose/alum modified precipitated calcium carbonate fillers: Preparation and their use in papermaking. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2010, 81(3): 545-553 (SCI收录)
66. Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Shen Jing(沈静), Yu Gang(于钢), An Xianhui(安显慧). Influence of pulp fiber substrate on conductivity of polyaniline-coated conductive paper prepared by in-situ polymerization. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):899-907 (SCI收录)
67. Li Jian(李坚), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Wang Lijuan(王立娟), An Xianhui(安显慧). XPS characterization and percolation behavior of polyaniline-coated conductive paper. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):712-726 (SCI 收录)
68. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Liu Wenxia(刘温霞), Yang Fei(杨飞). Filler engineering for papermaking: comparison with fiber engineering and some important research topics. BioResources, 2010, 5(2):510-513 (SCI收录)
69. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Possible trends of renewable organic fillers and pigments derived from natural resources for sustainable development of papermaking industry. BioResources, 2010, 5(1):5-7 (SCI收录)
70. Ding Chunyue(丁春跃), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Shen Jing(沈静), An Xianhui(安显慧). Preparation and characterization of conductive paper via in-situ polymerization of pyrrole. BioResources, 2010, 5(1): 303-315 (SCI 收录)
71. Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, Chen Jinghuan(陈京环), An Xianhui(安显慧). Polypyrrole-coated conductive paper prepared by vapor-phase deposition method. Appita Journal, 2010, 63(2): 102-107 (SCI收录)
72. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, et al. A preliminary investigation into the use of acid-tolerant precipitated calcium carbonate fillers in papermaking of deinked pulp derived from recycled newspaper. BioResources, 2009, 4(3): 1178-1189 (SCI收录)
73. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, et al. Modification of papermaking grade fillers: a brief review. BioResources, 2009, 4(3): 1190-1209 (SCI收录)
74. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*. Investigations on the preparation of starch/sodium oleate/alum modified precipitated calcium carbonate filler and its use in papermaking. Appita Journal, 2009, 62(5): 360-364, 38 (SCI收录)
75. Shen Jing(沈静), Song Zhanqian(宋湛谦), Qian Xueren(钱学仁)*, et al. Modification of precipitated calcium carbonate filler using sodium silicate/zinc chloride based modifiers to improve acid-resistance and use of the modified filler in papermaking. BioResources, 2009, 4(4): 1498-1519 (SCI收录)
76. He Zhibin(何志斌), Qian Xueren(钱学仁), Ni Yonghao(倪永浩)*. The tensile strength of bleached mechanical pulps from the Mg(OH)2-based and NaOH-based peroxide bleaching processes. Journal of Pulp and Paper Science, 2006, 32(1): 47-52 (SCI收录)
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