个人简介:国家高层次青年人才计划入选者。2017年获德国哥廷根大学博士学位。科研工作致力于生物基纳米功能材料、木材细胞结构解译与功能修饰的应用基础研究。出版英文专著1部,以第一或通讯作者在Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal等期刊发表高水平论文30余篇。近五年主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目、黑龙江省自然科学基金优秀青年项目等项目10项。以第一完成人授权发明专利5件。担任黑龙江省分析测试学会理事、《林业工程学报》和《森林工程》期刊青年编委。
2017.12-至今 伟德betvlctor体育官方网站 伟德betvlctor体育官方网站 教师/教授;
2015.06-2017.07 哥廷根大学(德国),木材技术与木材化学,工学博士学位;
2013.10-2015.05 达姆斯塔特工业大学(德国),高分子与造纸化学,在读博士;
2010.09-2013.07 伟德betvlctor体育官方网站,制浆造纸工程专业,工学硕士学位;
2006.09-2010.07 伟德betvlctor体育官方网站,轻化工程专业,工学学士学位。
联系方式:0451-82191002; wangyg@nefu.edu.cn
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,木质素解聚活化及其对木材细胞壁和细胞腔协同改性机理研究(32171694),2022/01-2025/12,58万元,在研,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,纤维素基透明超疏水结构在木材表面仿生构建与调控(31901247),2020/01-2022/12,24万元,在研,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题任务,改性纤维素的定向自组装、超分子构筑及演化机制(31890774),2019/01-2023/12,50万元,在研,主持。
4. 黑龙江省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目,基于核冕结构纤维素纳米颗粒的抗菌性聚乳酸复合材料研究(YQ2019C003),2019/07-2022/07,10万元,在研,主持。
5. 黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划重大项目子课题,木质板芯改性技术研究(GA19C010),2019/01-2022/12,26万元,在研,主持。
6. 黑龙江省博士后科学基金特别资助(青年英才计划项目),纤维素衍生物自组装构筑特殊润湿性仿生界面材料研究(LBH/TZ1803),2019/01-2021/01,20万元,结题,主持。
7. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,木材表面木质素基超疏水结构仿生构建(2019T120247),2019/07-2021/07,18万元,结题,主持。
1. Hao Meng, Yijie Zhao, ShuoWang, Yonggui Wang*, Zefang Xiao, Haigang Wang, Daxin Liang, YanjunXie. Turning the morphology and wetting ability of self-assembled hierarchical structures from lignin stearoyl esters, Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 114969
2. Weidong Niu, Yunfeng Guo, Wei Huang, Lili Song, Zefang Xiao, YanjunXie, Yonggui Wang*. Aliphatic chains grafted cellulose nanocrystals with core-corona structures for efficient toughening of PLA composites, Carbohydrate Polymer, 2022, 285, 119200
3. Zhen Lang, Yunjie Ju, Yonggui Wang*, Zefang Xiao, Haigang Wang, Daxin Liang, YanjunXie*. Cellulose-derived solid-solid phase change thermal energy storage membrane with switchable optical transparency, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 435, 134851
4. Xiangyu Tang, Wei Huang, YanjunXie, Zefang Xiao, Haigang Wang, Daxin Liang, Jian Li, Yonggui Wang*. Superhydrophobic Hierarchical Structures from Self-assembly of Cellulose-Based Nanoparticles, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(42): 14101-14111
5. Zhe Qiu, Weidong Niu, ShuoWang, Fanjun Yu, Jing Fan, Longhong Zheng, Yonggui Wang*, Zefang Xiao, Yanjun Xie*. Multifunctional composite film based on biodegradable grape skin and polyvinyl alcohol, Cellulose, 2021, 28(10): 6467-6479
6. Yonggui Wang*, Zhe Qiu, Zheng Lang, Yanjun Xie, Zefang Xiao, Haigang Wang, Daxin Liang, Jian Li, Kai Zhang*. Multifunctional Reversible Self-Assembled Structures of Cellulose-Derived Phase-Change Nanocrystals, Advanced Materials, 2021, 33(3): 2005263
7. Dingyuan Zheng, Wenrui Yao, Ce Sun, Xiaojian Chen, Jiyuan Zhou, Baiwang Wang, Haiyan Tan, Yanhua Zhang*, Yonggui Wang*. Fluorescent Wood Sponge toward Selective Detection and Efficient Removal of Cr (VI), Environmental Science-Nano, 2021, 8(11): 3331-3342
8. Zhe Qiu, Shuo Wang, Yonggui Wang*, Jian Li, Zefang Xiao, Haigang Wang, Daxin Liang, Yanjun Xie*. Transparent Wood with Thermo-reversible Optical Properties based on Phase-change Material, Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 200, 108407
9. Wei Huang, Xiangyu Tang, Zhe Qiu, Wenxin Zhu, Yonggui Wang*, You-Liang Zhu, Zefang Xiao, Haigang Wang, Daxin Liang, Jian Li, Yanjun Xie*. Cellulose-based Superhydrophobic Surface Decorated with Functional Groups Showing Distinct Wetting Abilities to Manipulate Water Harvesting, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12(36): 40968-40978
10. Wenxin Zhu, Wei Huang, Wenhua Zhou, Zhe Qiu, Zheng Wang, Haojun Li, Yonggui Wang*, Jian Li, Yanjun Xie. Sustainable and antibacterial sandwich-like Ag-Pulp/CNF composite paper for oil/water separation, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 245, 116587
11. Zhe Qiu, Zefang Xiao, Likun Gao, Jian Li, Haigang Wang, Yonggui Wang*, Yanjun Xie*. Transparent wood bearing a shielding effect to infrared heat and ultraviolet via incorporation of modified antimony-doped tin oxide nanoparticles, Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 172: 43-48
12. Rongxiu Ma, Yajing Wang, Houjuan Qi, Cai Shi, Guangbiao Wei, Lidong Xiao, Zhanhua Huang*, Shouxin Liu, Haipeng Yu, Chunbo Teng, Hu Liu, Vignesh Murugadoss, Jiaoxia Zhang, Yonggui Wang*, Zhanhu Guo*. Nanocomposite sponges of sodium alginate/graphene oxide/polyvinyl alcohol as potential wound dressing: In vitro and in vivo evaluation, Composites Part B-Engineering, 2019, 167: 396-405
13. Wenbo Che, Zefang Xiao, Zheng Wang, Jian Li, Haigang Wang, Yonggui Wang*, Yanjun Xie*. Wood-Based Mesoporous Filter Decorated with Silver Nanoparticles for Water Purification, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7(5): 5134-5141
14. Yonggui Wang*, Xiaojie Wang, Yanjun Xie, Kai Zhang*. Functional nanomaterials through esterification of cellulose: a review of chemistry and application, Cellulose, 2018, 25(7): 3703-3731
15. Yonggui Wang, Pedro B. Groszewicz, Sabine Rosenfeldt, Hendrik Schmidt, Cynthia A. Volkert, Philipp Vana, Torsten Gutmann, Gerd Buntkowsky, Kai Zhang*. Thermoreversible Self-Assembly of Perfluorinated Core-Coronas Cellulose-Nanoparticles in Dry State, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29(43): 1702473
16. Yonggui Wang, Jia Tian, Xu Deng, Longquan Chen, Sabine Rosenfeldt, Stephan Förster, Philipp Vana, Kai Zhang*. Polymeric flaky nanostructures from cellulose stearoyl esters for functional surfaces. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 1600636
17. Yonggui Wang, Thomas Heinze, Kai Zhang*. Stimuli-responsive nanoparticles from ionic cellulose derivatives. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 648-657
18. Yonggui Wang, Lars-Oliver Heim, Yeping Xu, Gerd Buntkowsky, Kai Zhang*. Transparent, Stimuli-Responsive Films from Cellulose-Based Organogel Nanoparticles. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25 (9), 1434-1441
19. Yonggui Wang, Xiang Wang, Lars-Oliver Heim, Hergen Breitzke, Gerd Buntkowsky, Kai Zhang*. Superhydrophobic surfaces from surface-hydrophobized cellulose fibers with stearoyl groups. Cellulose, 2015, 22 (1), 289-299
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